Tuesday, February 17, 2009

What is normal?

In and out, mind and body, it makes us who we are. Our emotions, personality, and attitude define us. It is sad when people choose to discriminate and harass those different from them when everyone is different. It is also sad when it happens within your own family.

I guess you could say I'm the odd one out in the family. I have always been and I have always had a hard time growing up because of it. I was never popular and never had a lot of friends. The close friends I did have moved away in a year after I moved in. Later on, the big youth group I was part of made me feel accepted but now I see it was all a lie because I was never comfortable hanging out with any of them individually or talk to them on the phone. At school I was known as Gabriel's sister instead of just Alicia.
Now I'm better known but not so much. I joined JROTC while everyone else in my family took sports (although I do take part in a very physical team called Raiders that is part of JROTC, but of course that's not a normal "sport"). Instead of going out I have too much homework and am resolved that doing the work and getting the grades is first priority no matter how much I dislike to. Cleanliness and personal hygiene has always been a must with me and for some odd reason, My parents have harassed me about that too on some things. They say I am germophobic, however I believe I am only slightly and not as much as they make me out to be.

It is all these things that according to my parents make me abnormal. Why do they feel I have to be normal? What do they have to fear? I keep my values, behave, and do well in school. I am healthy physically and psychologically.  Why do they think hurting me will make me change. They of all people should know I'm too stubborn to change especially when they treat me that way.


  1. Let me just start by saying I do not like "normal" people. With that out of the way, I'd like to point out there is no such thing as normal and abnormal, in the sense that people are too different to pin-point a common behavior we all share. The only serious one we could find in the entire population would be using the bathroom, paying taxes, and dying. Beyond that, its all too diverse to call anything normal.

    But there is a standard to what we think is normal and what is not, and this is what we base people on. And let me tell you this, I'm not even close to meeting those standards. And I'd hate to. See the problem is that we live in a society with double standards. We view something as normal but act a completely different way. We view morals as important, but we tend to ignore them. We view humanitarian efforts as necessary, yet we look the other way when given the opportunity to help. We find Marriage to be a major factor in our society, up to how we judge them and even how they biologically work (Once again its true, unmarried or divorced people are more likely to die, get payed less etc etc then married people) yet 51% of the kids in this country do not live with both parents, and divorce rates are out of control.

    I don't know you too well but I know you're a good person (After all, I do have great hair *ahem*) and I'm sure I like you better the way you are then being someone you are not, or trying to emulate normality.

  2. Thank you! That is exactly what I'm trying to express. "Let me be who am I am because that IS who I am."
