Tuesday, February 10, 2009

I forget...

I had the greatest idea for a post but I entirely forgot what I was going to write about.

I should just write about how things like that happen.

I get thoroughly annoyed at myself whenever I forget something. It can be what I was going to say, blog, or do. For example:

It has happened many times when I want to say something but someone else cuts me off, and then I forget what I was going to say after that someone finished. Maybe I would have great input to the conversation, but now I would never know because that one person cut me off. So annoying!
maybe I'm the only one, but sometimes when I think to myself, I should go upstairs and do "this and that", and by the time I go upstairs, I go straight to my room, out of habit, and think, what am I doing here? What was I supposed to do? By then I am confused and sitting on my bed attempting to search my brain for the reason of why I came upstairs in the first place.
In school, sometimes I even forget to do my homework! Well, just American History AP homework, which is even worse. After I realize I forgot, I start ranting about my forgetfulness and that I'm doomed to absolute failure.

So anyone reading this please comment on your forgetfulness as well (partly so I won't feel so bad about myself ). I am curious to read your stories. Hope they are funny!


  1. I was going to say something smart and witty because I'm awesome like that, but I forgot.

    But hey i like history! I had AP Euro last year, but sadly I didn't have time in my schedule for AP American (So I'm taking Honors with petraitus).

    But hey I forget things all the time. For example, yesterday I forgot where my Geometry class was, and today I walked in the wrong one (and its not even close by a loooong shot. My geometry is in the 300s, i went to the 800s).

    I suck at remembering :(

    BTW which kind of boat do you sail? 5 years ago I used to sail Laser class boats, but haven't done it since then due to money constraints etc etc yadda yadda.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I know exactly how you feel. I write a lot and I'll be somewhere and I'll think of a great concept or just a great line and I'll tell myself to remember and when it comes time I just don't. I got into the habit of writing everything I think that's good into my phone so I remember it later, but I guess that doesn't help your situation. My memory isn't bad its actually pretty good, but when it comes to little things like that it's horrible.
    I wish I had good memory like that; recording music would become so much easier because reading it isn't the same and memorizing gets hard. I guess all I can say is work on it and try not to get cut off. Sitting yourself down for longer times to think might make it easier for you to remember instead of punishing yourself.

  4. I hate when that happens to me! I had my phone stolen before because i forgot it on a bench at the mall and i swore i would never lose another phone again. So i keep my phone in my pocket and always feel my pocket to make sure it's there. Well when im on the phone i feel my pocket to make sure it's there (while im on my phone mind you) and when i feel thats its gone i think i must have left it somewhere or it's stolen. At that moment my heart drops into my stomach and i start yelling that i lost my phone. well while im having a panick attack the person on the other line says "if you lost your phone how are you talking to me." That is the moment where i feel like a complete idiot.

  5. Rebecca that has happened to me too! and Mr. T, it's when i go to te british virgin islands and my uncle takes his speed boat, but I always dreamed on being on a sailboat. I actually went on one once when trying to learn how to sail (failure T_T) and one of my friends lives on one.

  6. Yeah I'm sure i can't sail one anymore but i do love sail boats, If i had the money I'd buy a Seagoing Sailboat or a Catamaran. Sailing isn't that hard im sure i could do it again if i took the time out, and it's fun, try harder :D

  7. This happens to me a lot. Its my favorite when you forget that you were brushing your hair and then something random comes up, then you think "oh wait, wheres the brush" and you search everywhere for it...but its still in your hand. Maybe it's just me. But I hate forgetting things too.

  8. Forgetfulness runs in my family. One time I even forgot my birthday. Another time I tried cutting food with the wrong end of the knife. It's nothing to be ashamed about, were just young old people.

  9. i did that once too, the knife thing. and Mr. T, catamarans to me are too big and weird looking, I'd rather have a regular one. I wouldn't care what brand, as long as it worked... JK! I actually haven't gone and looked for one so I don't know what I'd get. Just not a Catamaran.
