Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Dilated Eyes

So you guys can pretty much tell what happened to me today... I got my eyes DILATED! Ooh how I do not like getting my pupils giant-sized. I look like an owl! I mean, right now, at this exact moment, my eyes are hurting just by the light of the computer screen. 

So the story goes like this:
I wake up as usual. The only unusual thing about it is that i find my right eye is hurting and slightly watery. I look in the mirror and my eye doesn't look that bad, only a bit red, but I freak out anyways and come to the conclusion that I might be having the beginnings of Pink Eye. Rushing downstairs, I tell my mom that I think I'm getting Pink Eye. She tells me otherwise, that I maybe have a laceration from my contacts(even better!-thats sarcasm right there). 
Fast-forwarding to about 10:00 AM, my eye is actually doing well, not watering and barely hurting. But that doesn't matter because I get picked up early from school to go to the opthamologist. The doctor goes through the check-up - in the process DILATING MY EYE!- and then tells me that I have minor Neovascularsomething, which means my blood vessels in my eyes are turning into the cornea because it's not getting enough oxygen.
So that's great! Ugh. Then after that I had to wear sunglasses everywhere, even inside, until it got dark out. I feel like a frickin' vampire.

So, yeah, that's my story. And the moral is... dilation sucks. Oh and so does the neovascular-whatever thing. That sucks too.


  1. I hate when people wear sunglasses in side to try to look "cool" ha-ha, you had a reason though. I can not stand it when I get my eyes dilated. Hopefully everything works out with you and your eyes stay healthy. One tip is maybe you might want to get a different type of contacts. So you can get more oxygen flowing into your eye. I might have misunderstood the cause of the problem ,but you never know.

  2. i hate going to the eye doctor (even though i don't have bad vision) they have to dilate your eyes to check them. When that happens i can't see and my head hurts. To make matters even worse when i was leaving there is a step down from the sidewalk to the street and i didn't see it and totally busted my butt on the street haha, it was bad.
