Tuesday, March 10, 2009

What is being healthy?

noun- the general condition of the body or mind with reference to soundness and vigor.
adjective- free from injury, damage, defect, disease, etc.; in good condition; healthy; robust.
noun- physical strength and good health.
The most accepted definition of being healthy is being free from any sickness or ailment. Doctors describe being healthy as being all those things plus being a standard physical weight as compared to size, and being mentally stable. So technically being overweight isn't healthy. The body weight strains the skeletal frame and the heart, making it work harder than it needs to than if that person were an appropriate weight(leading to high cholesterol, high blood pressure, heart attack, etc... blah blah). But does that mean that being a bit on the heavy side is necessarily bad? Not that I am, but I see people everyday that are completely comfortable with their weight and how they look and I think that is so admirable. 

When people get too caught up with their weight it causes people to internalize every little thing, become unhappy with themselves, and sometimes strive to become their vision of "skinny" in any way possible no matter how dangerous. It's scary seeing people battling disorders like anorexia or bulimia. I think people should take the time to see themselves in a different light and not focus so much on the negative aspects of their bodies because those aspects might just be beautiful in a different way. I guess a good example is... my nose! I won't lie, I have a pretty "unique" nose (at least I think so). I sometimes look at myself and think how easy it would be to dislike my nose: it is long, skinny, and has a bump along the top of it. But then I think how much it perfectly fits my face and how nobody else has a nose like mine, so I kinda feel special. :)

It is all mental. Girls and Guys, please don't fuss over yourselves! Love your bodies no matter what. If you won't, remember there is always good ol' exercise. That's what I tell myself, anyways.

P.S. forget diets! they just restrict the foods you enjoy. Only portion your meals, and eat every other hour to keep from going hungry and keep your metabolism going. 
But don't eat crap, guys. Portioned crap is still crap.

P.S.S I just totally went off topic the whole blog... my bad ;)


  1. Did you know that America is the 'fattest' country in the world? That the Melting Pot also contains a population where 45-50% of its inhabitants are overweight?
    This isn't really anything new to you I guess, I think we're all aware that on every other corner there sits a McDonalds or a Burger King, a Starbucks or a Barney's, a Pizza Hut or Domino's. Some people may agree that if you truly love yourself the way you are then don't change. Don't aspire to be 'skinny' (whatever that may be). And in my personal opinion, I agree as well... To an extent.
    I think that people should be aware of their health and how its affecting their body. But if you're happy with the way you look then I say, heck, live life to the fullest.*

    *Pun intended. teehee.

  2. haha, I get it! took me a while :P
