Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Can you measure happiness?

Money buys happiness.
Well I wouldn't know, I don't have that much money. But would I be happier with more? Sure our family wouldn't be going crazy about "do I have enough to pay this and that?" or "what can I do to save money?", but is that the real reason for unhappiness? See, I don't think a lack of material possessions or money can ruin a person's happiness, although it would relieve some issues.
I think its all psychological. True happiness should start on the inside; people should be happy with themselves. When people tend to be self-concious, it could cause problems that could affect them and the people around them, which in turn could create more issues and limit happiness in general. But when someone is totally self-confident, it's like a complete 180.
Happiness also is something that should come from your friends and your family and it shouldn't matter what car you drive or how big your house is. Material things shouldn't matter. Nobody in their right mind would choose, I don't know, their thousand dollar bobble-head collection over his or her boyfriend/girlfriend or family member. Also, have you ever noticed that as you get older you ask for less -in regards to birthdays or christmas - or nothing at all. It's because you realize that some things are not important and it's only a want, not a need, and as long as there is someone there by your side, you are truly happy.

1 comment:

  1. I can strongly relate to this. And no, money cannot buy happiness. I think that the relationships you make (and mantain) are what make you happiest. Material items can never compete with true friends or the love of knowledge or anything else you hold in high regards.
