Tuesday, January 27, 2009

My first blog

I have never done this before or even thought about blogging in my life. Of course I knew what blogging was before this; when people choose to write about whatever they like on a daily basis on the internet. So why am I blogging all of a sudden? Class assignment. what else?

Posting a blog is already quite annoying. I have to manually capitalize letters now! No more automatic spell and grammar check. How will I ever survive? Well, thats a stupid question because of course i can survive pressing more keys than I'd ever have to on Microsoft Word. It's not like i am going to die unless the keyboard spontaneously combusts, but that's OK. That would actually be very cool if it happened; I would have an excuse of why I didn't blog that one day. Of course, my teacher would probably not believe me and make some smart remark. Her smart remarks would probably be the best part, too, and bring some noise to the otherwise silent classroom. Talking about the classroom, I can't stand it. It is so quiet- nobody talks- and so tiny that one day I'll go crazy. Seriously! Even class discussions are dull. There is even this one kid that doesn't say a word. He just nods his head or shrugs his shoulders, it all depends on what he's trying to say. Maybe he doesn't talk because he has a really squeaky voice like Michael Jackson or Abraham Lincoln... I'd like to find out. He looks pretty tough so if he did have a squeaky voice, it would be really funny.

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