Thursday, May 21, 2009

Another Story. Yay!

This is another story and yes, I did lose something, but it wasn't my backpack this time. Promise!

I'm on my bus coming home from school, texting my boyfriend, and I fell asleep with the phone in my hand. My brother thought it would be funny to wake me up by screaming in my face by the time we got to our bus stop. So he screams," AAAHHH!" and I wake up screaming,"AAAHHH!... you idiot!". I realize that we are at our stop, so I rush up and get out of the bus. I walk with my friend half way to my house, which is where we always stop for five minutes to talk and then split, and right then and there I realize, where the heck is my phone!? I freak out instantly, searching through my backpack, my pockets... nothing. "I left my phone on the bus! Oh my gosh, I left my phone on the bus!" Meanwhile my friend offers to go with me back to the bus stop to try to catch it on the way back. We run to the stop, and then run to the other side of the road. A few bus's pass by, but none of them was our bus. Eventually I become so frustrated that upon seeing the next bus, I jump into the middle of the road and get the bus to stop. Crazy, I know! So, we get the bus driver to radio our bus to see if my phone really is on the bus. And guess what? It was! He found it and I just have to pick it up in the morning! By now you'd probably think that I'd be well at ease, but oh no, I wasn't. I had anxiety all day because I lost my only connection to talking to my boyfriend. I flustered myself thinking how worried he'd get. But it was all okay by the next morning, which was the first time I ever took the bus to school, because I got my phone (yay :D) and I called him to tell him what happened. The funny thing was that I got, like, six messages from him. Ah, I felt so bad. But, anyways, it all worked out. I got my phone, so it was a happy ending.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Sicky... bleh

I'm sick.... Sore Throat... well, now it's itchy.... in addition to a stuffy nose... hard to sleep because I can't really breath... tons of pills... hope I don't overdose.....
Wish I were like the lady in the picture! She actually gets to stay in bed. Me? Well I have actual work at the end of the school year so I can't afford to miss school (been that way since the beginning of the year, and I thought I'd get a break, psh). I shouldn't complain, though. People get annoyed at complainers. So maybe I should toughen up and pretend I'm not sick like birds do. Except birds will feign health until they are near-death sick, which is not good. At all.

So I have found that my voice is going away! No! I need to be able to talk clearly, or else it is just creepy. I mean, My voice would be all scratchy and scary. Plus it would hurt to talk.

You know, I despise getting sick. I just have a crappy day whenever I get sick because everything seems ten times worse than what it really is because for some reason I fluster myself more easily when I am sick. It is kind of like, "... and to top it all off, I'M SICK!" 

I constantly drink orange juice so why did I get sick?

My thoughts are everywhere! Ah!

So the point is, being sick sucks. 
I'd elaborate, but I'm too sick to function at the moment. -_- Bleh.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Another Funny Story

Ahemm! *cough cough*

So I wake up late this morning, right? And I walk out of my house with my backpack, my uniform- Wednesdays are uniform days and because i woke up late i had no time to put it on- and an American Eagle bag with my uniform shoes and gel. So I get to seminary, which is like a mini Sunday school class before school, blah blah blah, time to leave to school. So i get to school, walk into JROTC, and realize, "Oh crap! Where is my backpack and my little baggie!" and by now I'm freaking out. Bad. Then I was calling myself an idiot, and called my boyfriend five minutes before the bell rang (he goes to a different school, so yeah, call on the phone) because he always knows what to say to calm me down. I calmed down just a litlle bit, only a little.
Anyways, I end up spending my first two periods without a backpack and without a uniform on. It wasn't that bad actually because my first hour is AP U.S. History (we already took the exam so we are done basically and I ended up going to JROTC anyways where we watched Band of Brothers- good stuff) and my second hour, Spanish 5, we didn't use any paper at all so it was all good. My mom brought my stuff that I left at seminary to school at around the end of 2nd hour which was AMAZING because now I didn't have to freak out anymore.
Sooooooo.... yeeah, that's basically the whole story. Yup :)

Thursday, May 7, 2009

So... Funny Story :)

I have a few funny stories that, what the heck, I feel like sharing:

I remember my grandma telling me a funny story about when I was a baby. Ok, so its just my grandma, my twin brother and I. My brother and I were laying on a blanket on the floor in the living room while my grandma watched over us. She had to leave for some reason real quick and when she came back, I disappear. Gone! So by now, she is freaking out in full out spanish (this was in Puerto Rico by the way) so you can just imagine if you're latino. She is looking down the halls, in the kitchen, behind the chairs, and I am still nowhere to be found. Then, out of nowhere, she hears a noise, looks down, and sees a tiny foot sticking out from beneath the sofa. Guess who it was? Me! I happened to crawl underneath the sofa.

Yaaaay. Happy ending. :D
Ok what else?
This next story is more recent:

So it's the end of a regular school day and I have a meeting for JROTC. Twenty minutes later, the meeting is over and I was given an ACU uniform to take home. So I have the bag with the uniform, I'm, in the process of going home with a friend, and I get a call from my sister saying that she's locked out of the house. So now I'm like,"Great". I get home and I check the front door, the back door, and all the sliding doors, and for sure she was right. Right then I realized," Crap. Where is my backpack?" I had left it at school. Crap! Now I'm freaking out, calling my mom who said she wont be able to get there for an hour (apparently she is really far away). So I am forced to wait in my backyard until my mom comes home to unlock the house. It's me and my sister, waiting... waiting... During that I called my boyfriend- he wasn't my boyfriend then- to have someone to talk to while my sister was screaming Hey Jude at the top of her lungs, really annoying. Blah Blah my mom gets home, she takes me back to school where I'm sprinting back and forth looking for a security guard, custodian, anyone, to open the door to my 4th hour, which is where my backpack is. Ten minutes later I find this one lady janitor that only speaks spanish- THANK GOD I SPEAK SPANISH- who got me this other guy to open the door to get my backpack. By now I have my backpack, all happy, yay. But then my 4th hour teacher, right at that moment, shows up! What the heck!? He could have opened the door!
The end :\

Was story time great? This was fun, maybe I'll tell stories like this every week, or every other week. What did you think of my stories??

Monday, May 4, 2009


So I have basically just learned that slacking off and getting lazy doesn't mean you will maintain an A in a relatively easy class, no sir. When I saw my progress reports... Ah! I wanted to cry (only slightly). The only class I got good grades in were my AP class where I always try no matter what, and JROTC because it's pretty much an easy A.
You know what? I'm gonna buckle down from here on out and work my butt off no matter how lazy I feel. My grades are important and I should act like it! Gah!
It doesn't help now that I recently got a boyfriend. So now I have to make time- time I enjoy- to talk to him. So it's like I'm doing homework and I realize it is an hour before I have to turn my phone in (don't ask) so I have to take that time to talk and then resume what I'm doing afterwards. Homework is important, but he is important to me too. I can't ignore him for homework, psh, what a horrible girlfriend I'd be if I did that. And it's not like I completely don't do my homework. I always come home and straightaway do my homework that way I'm finished just before giving a call. I want a future and I cannot jeoperdize it on a boy, psh, what a failure as a logical person would I be if I did that.
So the moral is, don't slack off, or you'll be like me and have to pick up the pieces.

Thursday, April 30, 2009


I'm taking the SAT for the second time this Saturday.
It really isn't all that bad when you think about it. I mean, the essay is pretty easy, basically asking your opinion, and the math is basic algebra, geometry, and common sense questions. The reading is more of a gut-feel-answer kind of thing, and writing questions are pretty much the same as reading. No biggie. I scored 1140 my first time, which people say isn't that bad considering it was my first time, but I want a better score than that. More like in the 1200's.
It's funny because every other day I'll bring my HUGE SAT prep book to school to study and I'm only focusing on the math- I got a 540 in the math so I want to bring it up to a 600- so I'm reading it and I'm like," This is so easy! It's all common sense. How in the world did I get a 540?"
I want to get a minimum of a 600 in math. There are a TON of smart people in cypress and even being just a little bit above average in smarts is not going to do much for me except to scrape the bottom of the admittance door to really good colleges. I'm not a genius and that is totally not fair that it is that much harder for me.
Maybe one day I'll open up my own university for moderately to a little bit above average students. That'll be the day, a triumph!

Monday, April 27, 2009

My bad

I didn't blog at all last week.

:O *gasp!*

I know, so horrible.
So today I will blog about my favorite flower:
Yeah, I'm guessing you can pretty much tell from the picture.
So, do you want to know why sunflowers are my favorite flowers? It is because they are big, yellow (my favorite color), and remind me of the sun. And yes, I know, sun goes with sunflower, but it really does remind me of the sun, and I love the sun! Its so warm and pretty at any time of day that just seeing a sunflower reminds me of it and cheers me up. :)
I wish I had a field of sunflowers behind my house. That would be amazing! I could pick a flower whenever I wanted, put it in a vase in my room, and wake up to my very own sun every morning.

Now that I have shared this, I want to know what your favorite flowers are (even the boys, I know boys have favorite flowers too).

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Its a Thursday.

Poor Thursday. It doesn't have any special fun name or saying. Like Friday is "Thank God it's Friday" and Monday is "I hate Mondays". Then again neither do Tuesday, Wednesday, Saturday, or Sunday. Or at least that I know of.

So Yeah...

I don't know what to blog about....

Well I'm using a PC. I hate PC's. It took me forever to figure out how the internet works on this thing. Plus the keyboard is different and I keep pressing the wrong button. I so much prefer Macs. I've had Mac's since I was little. I have one now that's nearly 10 years old! Maybe older...

Ok, umm, there's something in my eye and it won't go away!

I'm so tired... I only slept 2 hours last night doing a project... i want to sleep but I have to do this freakin' blog.

My eye still hurts...

I really wish I had 20/20 vision. Glasses bug me sometimes.




Wednesday, April 15, 2009

What if there were no money?

Think about it.

What if we had no money?
What if we relied on the goodness and honest hard work of people to do everything they do now- growing, creating, selling, leading, learning, providing- not for the money, but to keep our society well maintained?
What if all we relied on was each other to get the things we need without worrying "Can I afford it?"

People might say its downright socialist, but imagine how much better we'd be off. There would be no poor because everyone would have access to food, and no sick because medicine would be more easily accessible. And if everyone did their jobs but with the motivation that they are doing a service to everyone who requires them, then nobody would have to stress about financial problems because money wouldn't exist because everyone is working to supply and aid everyone else. I guess you could see it as each person is being supported or supporting someone else so that, in this case, everyone in our country would be linked together in support.

But of course, this could never happen. There are people that are greedy or yearn for the luxurious and expensive, and with my theory everyone would be able to access the same stuff, therefore no one would be more advanced in social class than the other. Now that I think about it, it sounds a little bit communist...

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Ok so I need your Opinion...

Should I change the name of my blog? That would mean I would have to change topics (not that I really have a definite topic... I just write what I feel like writing).  Would it even matter anyways? I'll probably just end up writing whatever like I usually do. Seriously, why restrict myself? But I want to know what you, the viewers, would like to see me blog about, even though I might not even do anything to change it... Ok, well, let's make this a hypothetical thing. 

If I were to change my blog name and topic, what would you guys like it to change to?

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Dilated Eyes

So you guys can pretty much tell what happened to me today... I got my eyes DILATED! Ooh how I do not like getting my pupils giant-sized. I look like an owl! I mean, right now, at this exact moment, my eyes are hurting just by the light of the computer screen. 

So the story goes like this:
I wake up as usual. The only unusual thing about it is that i find my right eye is hurting and slightly watery. I look in the mirror and my eye doesn't look that bad, only a bit red, but I freak out anyways and come to the conclusion that I might be having the beginnings of Pink Eye. Rushing downstairs, I tell my mom that I think I'm getting Pink Eye. She tells me otherwise, that I maybe have a laceration from my contacts(even better!-thats sarcasm right there). 
Fast-forwarding to about 10:00 AM, my eye is actually doing well, not watering and barely hurting. But that doesn't matter because I get picked up early from school to go to the opthamologist. The doctor goes through the check-up - in the process DILATING MY EYE!- and then tells me that I have minor Neovascularsomething, which means my blood vessels in my eyes are turning into the cornea because it's not getting enough oxygen.
So that's great! Ugh. Then after that I had to wear sunglasses everywhere, even inside, until it got dark out. I feel like a frickin' vampire.

So, yeah, that's my story. And the moral is... dilation sucks. Oh and so does the neovascular-whatever thing. That sucks too.

Thursday, March 19, 2009


<---This is our hero right here
You may guess that this is another article blog (click here)
and you are correct.

In short, Chad Lindsey saved a man that fell down onto the subway tracks of the Penn Station, in New York. When he fell, he apparently hit his head on the rails and became unconscious, bleeding everywhere. Lindsey saw this, jumped down onto the tracks where the man was, and lifted him up onto the platform where other passerby's helped by pulling. He then climbed back onto the platform when ten to fifteen seconds later, the subway passed. 

*He's lucky he plays a role in his acting career where he has to repeatedly lift a guy!

What's cool is that he wanted to leave anonymous. So like a secret hero! (obviously he's not secret anymore, though.) and a weird/cool sense of humor:
"I yelled,'Contact the station agent and call the police!' which I think is hilarious because I don't think I ever said 'station agent' before in my life. What am I, on '24'?"
Although I don't know what "24" means...

Anyways, it's great to hear about things like this now and then especially since all we hear on the news is about criminals, deaths, shootings, fights, scandals, etc. Why can't they show more things like this? Heroic acts are cool, right? I mean, If I could, I'd do something brave, too.
 This makes me think that maybe people do care about each other when it comes to someone's life. Chad Lindsey could have died, but that never occurred to him. He just acted. You'd think that right now with the recession, job losses, and an ever increasing do-it-alone attitude, nobody would think twice to even risking their life, their career, and whatever else they have worked for, to save someone else's. 
I think we should all work to have the same selfless attitude and do as much for others as we do for ourselves. If we do, i believe the world would be so much better than it is now because there won't be greed which leads to corruption in business or government or in people. Look at AIG, for instance. If they hadn't made those inconceivable bets, then we wouldn't have to be bailing them out and wasting billions of dollars that could be used for better things like education funding.

Lesson learned: be generous, be selfless.

Monday, March 16, 2009

Bad Products

My earbuds just broke... my Skullcandy earbuds. My $9.99 Skullcandy earbuds. I just bought them two months ago...

You know what? I think the world intentionally created these earbuds to break easily just so that I'd get up and go buy another pair. And then two months later, another pair. And another, and another... the cycle goes on and on! Eventually that $10 will become $100. I do not have that kind of money.

It really is some marketing ploy. Make crappy products for real cheap that work great for a while. Then they "happen" to break, and you have got to get yourself another pair of those "amazing" sound-blocking earbuds. Those evil geniuses over at Skullcandy - I bet their heads are so full of sugary decaying goodness right now- know how to manipulate minds into believing a cheaper product is in actuality cheap.

But no more!  I will no longer live in their manipulated envisioned world of cheap ear-buds, no! I will save up money to buy a better pair, one that will last longer! Ha! Take that Skeleton-Head-Sugary-Treat! Who gets the last laugh now?

*I do!

Thursday, March 12, 2009

I Gotta Write

Haven't you ever felt that you just gotta write?? (excuse my my poor word usage. "Gotta" isn't a word) Well, I don't feel like it much anymore. I'd just rather not. But here I am writing two blogs per week because, you know what? This does not restrict me to the conformity of a prompt. I am free to write about whatever I want to write about and I do not have to always have in mind whether I'm going to off topic or not. 
At first it was hard because as a student, I have always been made to write by a prompt and had become comfortable about being told what to do. I mean, I didn't have to put any major effort of thinking. Just do what they tell you to do and thats it. First time in class we were told to free write, all of us were like, "What the heck? What do I write about?" Eventually though we got used to it. I am glad that we were forced in a way to explore and really write what we are passionate about or simply to opinionate (I just made up a word... opinionate. cool). That way we try to break free from the dehumanized, mechanical daily pattern of going to school, the same thing everyday. We get to say what we want to say with no one to say otherwise, unless, of course, they'd like to comment, which is always welcome.
So... yeah... that's what I wanted to write about today.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

What is being healthy?

noun- the general condition of the body or mind with reference to soundness and vigor.
adjective- free from injury, damage, defect, disease, etc.; in good condition; healthy; robust.
noun- physical strength and good health.
The most accepted definition of being healthy is being free from any sickness or ailment. Doctors describe being healthy as being all those things plus being a standard physical weight as compared to size, and being mentally stable. So technically being overweight isn't healthy. The body weight strains the skeletal frame and the heart, making it work harder than it needs to than if that person were an appropriate weight(leading to high cholesterol, high blood pressure, heart attack, etc... blah blah). But does that mean that being a bit on the heavy side is necessarily bad? Not that I am, but I see people everyday that are completely comfortable with their weight and how they look and I think that is so admirable. 

When people get too caught up with their weight it causes people to internalize every little thing, become unhappy with themselves, and sometimes strive to become their vision of "skinny" in any way possible no matter how dangerous. It's scary seeing people battling disorders like anorexia or bulimia. I think people should take the time to see themselves in a different light and not focus so much on the negative aspects of their bodies because those aspects might just be beautiful in a different way. I guess a good example is... my nose! I won't lie, I have a pretty "unique" nose (at least I think so). I sometimes look at myself and think how easy it would be to dislike my nose: it is long, skinny, and has a bump along the top of it. But then I think how much it perfectly fits my face and how nobody else has a nose like mine, so I kinda feel special. :)

It is all mental. Girls and Guys, please don't fuss over yourselves! Love your bodies no matter what. If you won't, remember there is always good ol' exercise. That's what I tell myself, anyways.

P.S. forget diets! they just restrict the foods you enjoy. Only portion your meals, and eat every other hour to keep from going hungry and keep your metabolism going. 
But don't eat crap, guys. Portioned crap is still crap.

P.S.S I just totally went off topic the whole blog... my bad ;)

Thursday, March 5, 2009

I Was Blind Today

Ok, I wasn't really blind. Only partially blind- not even! The thing is that I happened to idiotically forget my glasses AND my contacts. I say "idiotically" because I know for sure I put them in my backpack, but then took them out to check something, and then I left without putting them back in. I know I'm forgetful, but hello? Brain, work with me here! 
So I figured this out in my first hour(Am. Hist. AP), and began ranting- I rant in my first hour from some daily complication all the time- about how I was going to be partially blind all day. Everyone in class was like "that's Alicia as usual" and my friend gave me a hug and then said, "It could be worse." It could be worse? It could be worse!? I can't even read the board let alone be aware of my surroundings. The only things I could have seen clearly today were people and things close to me.
Eventually I calmed down and went about my classes as usual, except for English where I had to move to the front seats every time we were required to read something. While we are on the subject of English class, the most embarrassing thing happened to me and I'm not sure anyone noticed, but I'll tell you anyways because I think it is hilarious:

Alright, so I'm walking to the trash to throw away a wrapper, and while on the way there, I notice my right shoe is untied. "I just tied it!" I loudly think to myself. I continue walking to the trash, shoelaces untied, and throw my wrapper away. This is when I decide to tie my shoe. I bend over to reach the laces and out of know where I hear a "CRRSSSHH". I think,"Oh God, no way," hoping that what I just think that happened didn't happen. Lo and behold, there was a tear on the upper inner thigh of my jeans of the left leg. I hear the class laughing, however my partially-blindness deters from my focus, and I do not know if they were laughing at me or somebody else. Not knowing what else to do, I shuffle back to my seat.

It was an OK-sized tear. The only thing that kept me from falling into absolute, total embarrassment was the fact that nobody could notice it. The only good thing that could come out of it is that now I can make a pair of shorts out of them. Hooray for improvising!

Monday, March 2, 2009

I do what I want! Or do I?

There is this article that was mentioned by one of the ladies at my church, and then mentioned again by a man at my church, that goes kind of like this:   

*if you want to read it, click here

Joshua Bell, a famous violinist, was set incognito in a metro station where thousands of people pass through each day. He played six Bach pieces while he sat there. While he played, a few people stopped to listen, but most only stayed for a few minutes; 20 others tipped him, but kept on walking. Of those that listened, the ones who responded the most were children, but they were forced by their parents to continue walking. 
When he finished, there was no recognition, nobody applauded. (he did get $32 in tips though) 

Two days earlier, Bell sold out a a concert with seats averaging $100.

Some people say it's interesting how people perceive beauty. Why not say when people perceive beauty. From this article it seems to me that people notice beauty when its most convenient to them, or when they are supposed. I know it sounds weird saying that people appreciate beauty when told to, but this small experiment just proved it true. Hundreds to thousand of passerby's went on their way as usual although there was Joshua Bell, a renown musician, playing very famous and very nice pieces in the most unlikeliest of places. Although, a few days earlier, he sold out an entire concert. 

What is this? People do things as seems appropriate for the time and place. Someone is at a metro so they are supposed to keep walking and ignore "distractions" to reach their final destination, but then they go to a concert so then it is expected to listen and appreciate the music. We as people become so accustomed to a norm that we don't realize to pay attention to the aesthetics unless that is the norm of the given area. An example would be going to the beach. You go there to have fun so all you focus on is friends, family, the strength of the waves, and maybe even a sandcastle. But once you go there to appreciate a sunset, then that's when you look at the small details: the redish-orange hue of the sky and its reflection on the water, the sound of the waves gently crashing against the shore, and salty, slightly briny smell of the air.

I think in any situation, we should take even a second to stop, listen, and appreciate the beauty around us.

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Am I Really Happy?

"I'd rather be unhappy then live a lie of happiness"- quote by me

I've been thinking a lot about my life until now. The saying above is one that I came up with just a few days ago and I believe that it really truly represents what I have gone through and what I want for myself in result of it. It is a really personal message I want to share with everyone who reads my blogs, and although at the moment I do not wish to share my whole life story, I'd like to hear your thoughts and philosophy on it.

Monday, February 23, 2009


I can't help it! I just need to share that I am really craving a hamburger!!
like this one:

Isn't it beautiful? (and no I am not copying Mr. T, I just happen to really want a hamburger)

I mean, I can't even remember the last time I had a hamburger. It has seemed so long! And to think I have a box of them sitting in my freezer right now at this very moment. So why haven't I eaten the ones in my freezer, you ask? Well I haven't gotten around to it! Actually I just wouldn't know how to cook it. T_T <-- see that? that's a face full of tears.

But the type of burger I am really craving for is a real restaurant style burger. None of those cheap full-of-crap tiny burgers like at school or McDonalds(eww), but the real stuff, with real grade-A meat, with real bacon, with real cheese, with real veggies, and real bread. Why I mention the word "real" so many times is because I question the legitimacy of those full-of-crap burgers. Are they literally full of crap? If not something close to it! Ha! I'd say. Maybe it comes in a little tin foil package of powder labeled "just add water" and somehow when you do actually "add water" it horrifyingly transforms before your eyes into an imitation burger that tastes like nothing. 

But then again, there goes my imagination again. I'm probably just overreacting like always especially now that I have made myself hungry. Ugh... I'm going to go eat something now, most likely.

P.S.- I cannot find any good burgers since the closing of Cheeburger Cheeburger. Does anyone know of anywhere else currently open that's good? 

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

I need sleep!

Fluttering eyelids, droopy head, and zero attention span. This is what happens to those sleep deprived. This is what happens to me. 
You may ask why this happens to me and I'll reply, "Homework!" And only from one class, too.

 American History AP

Remarkably, my teacher now gives out less homework, but I do not feel any less tired. If my brain is being stimulated than I will be able to stay awake, however, once the classroom environment becomes boring or any teacher starts rambling (at least my 2nd hour), thats when I become TOTALLY out of it. I am somewhere else entirely in my mind. Gone! It has always been said that a good amount of sleep shows better results in school, but my choices are either do homework, get no sleep, and get good grades, or sleep, have unfinished homework, and fail. There's is no lose-lose or win-win situation anymore, Oh No! It's win-lose. Win grades, Lose sleep. I know AP classes are supposed to give an abundant amount of work, but ever heard of too much of a good thing? Unless you see homework as bad, then that's too much of a bad thing, and that just sucks entirely. 

Although the work sucks, I absolutely love the class. The learning part at least. American history (or any history for that matter) is very interesting and I really do enjoy hearing stories of our past. Why can't the class just be a huge lecture everyday where all we do is listen and no obvious work is involved? Like History Channel, but through the teacher. 

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

What is normal?

In and out, mind and body, it makes us who we are. Our emotions, personality, and attitude define us. It is sad when people choose to discriminate and harass those different from them when everyone is different. It is also sad when it happens within your own family.

I guess you could say I'm the odd one out in the family. I have always been and I have always had a hard time growing up because of it. I was never popular and never had a lot of friends. The close friends I did have moved away in a year after I moved in. Later on, the big youth group I was part of made me feel accepted but now I see it was all a lie because I was never comfortable hanging out with any of them individually or talk to them on the phone. At school I was known as Gabriel's sister instead of just Alicia.
Now I'm better known but not so much. I joined JROTC while everyone else in my family took sports (although I do take part in a very physical team called Raiders that is part of JROTC, but of course that's not a normal "sport"). Instead of going out I have too much homework and am resolved that doing the work and getting the grades is first priority no matter how much I dislike to. Cleanliness and personal hygiene has always been a must with me and for some odd reason, My parents have harassed me about that too on some things. They say I am germophobic, however I believe I am only slightly and not as much as they make me out to be.

It is all these things that according to my parents make me abnormal. Why do they feel I have to be normal? What do they have to fear? I keep my values, behave, and do well in school. I am healthy physically and psychologically.  Why do they think hurting me will make me change. They of all people should know I'm too stubborn to change especially when they treat me that way.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

I forget...

I had the greatest idea for a post but I entirely forgot what I was going to write about.

I should just write about how things like that happen.

I get thoroughly annoyed at myself whenever I forget something. It can be what I was going to say, blog, or do. For example:

It has happened many times when I want to say something but someone else cuts me off, and then I forget what I was going to say after that someone finished. Maybe I would have great input to the conversation, but now I would never know because that one person cut me off. So annoying!
maybe I'm the only one, but sometimes when I think to myself, I should go upstairs and do "this and that", and by the time I go upstairs, I go straight to my room, out of habit, and think, what am I doing here? What was I supposed to do? By then I am confused and sitting on my bed attempting to search my brain for the reason of why I came upstairs in the first place.
In school, sometimes I even forget to do my homework! Well, just American History AP homework, which is even worse. After I realize I forgot, I start ranting about my forgetfulness and that I'm doomed to absolute failure.

So anyone reading this please comment on your forgetfulness as well (partly so I won't feel so bad about myself ). I am curious to read your stories. Hope they are funny!

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Valentines Day... eww.

Whatever happened to the fun happy-going years of elementary school where we passed "Be My Valentine" cards with lollipops stuck to the side with tape. Then it wasn't a matter of who likes who, but it was a tradition that all us kids did just because we were told to. Heck, we did it for the candy! But as the little innocent kids of the good old days grew up into adolescence, it has become realized that Valentines Day was supposed to be a special day between two people.


 I don't see what's so special about it. All it is is a day set apart to recognize couples everywhere. Don't they already show themselves off? Why do we need to make an official holiday to show what is already obvious? That "day" is not as special as a one week anniversary in my opinion and just an excuse to give gifts. Oh, lets not forget to mention how much it stresses out people, especially girls, on who is going to be their valentine. It's not even worth it to stress about that. 

I don't think people even care anymore. 

Or maybe it is all subjective. Those who have a boyfriend or girlfriend generally like it and those of us who do not do not. Valentines Day is black and white, you either hate it or you love it; there is no middle ground, no grey to make it seem likes it is all right not to have a valentines. However, I applaud those who don't care; those who are immune to cupid's arrow. They have the real strength to ignore such a useless holiday.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Can we really go green?

I've tried recycling. I still recycle, but not with as much enthusiasm I had before. I've found it easier to recycle if the option to is easily accessible. Like if I'm at home in the kitchen and I have just finished drinking from a disposable plastic cup. I know its recyclable and doing so is good for the environment, but the recycling bin is all the way in the garage. I end up throwing the cup in the trash because it's closer. Another scenario, I am in my classroom and decided that my classwork is crap, crumple it up, and decide to throw it away. However, there are two bins: one for trash and one for recyclables and one right next to the other. I end up throwing the paper in the recycling bin because its right there and an easy obvious choice.
I believe that we are so comfortable with our old lives of ignorance that it is difficult to change especially since we have been doing this for years or even for generations. The "going green" idea is still a new concept. I think that the majority of people believe in being "green" and want change in the environment, but the more important question is if they are willing to actively do as they say and believe in. Many, including me lately, are plain lazy and recycle when it is convenient to them. The only solution that comes to mind would be to unite the American public in the cause of recycling and keeping clean the environment, or in short "going green", because a few people cannot accomplish much, but everyone together as a whole could impact the country for the better.  It is We The People who can make the difference, not one person alone.

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Can you measure happiness?

Money buys happiness.
Well I wouldn't know, I don't have that much money. But would I be happier with more? Sure our family wouldn't be going crazy about "do I have enough to pay this and that?" or "what can I do to save money?", but is that the real reason for unhappiness? See, I don't think a lack of material possessions or money can ruin a person's happiness, although it would relieve some issues.
I think its all psychological. True happiness should start on the inside; people should be happy with themselves. When people tend to be self-concious, it could cause problems that could affect them and the people around them, which in turn could create more issues and limit happiness in general. But when someone is totally self-confident, it's like a complete 180.
Happiness also is something that should come from your friends and your family and it shouldn't matter what car you drive or how big your house is. Material things shouldn't matter. Nobody in their right mind would choose, I don't know, their thousand dollar bobble-head collection over his or her boyfriend/girlfriend or family member. Also, have you ever noticed that as you get older you ask for less -in regards to birthdays or christmas - or nothing at all. It's because you realize that some things are not important and it's only a want, not a need, and as long as there is someone there by your side, you are truly happy.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

My first blog

I have never done this before or even thought about blogging in my life. Of course I knew what blogging was before this; when people choose to write about whatever they like on a daily basis on the internet. So why am I blogging all of a sudden? Class assignment. what else?

Posting a blog is already quite annoying. I have to manually capitalize letters now! No more automatic spell and grammar check. How will I ever survive? Well, thats a stupid question because of course i can survive pressing more keys than I'd ever have to on Microsoft Word. It's not like i am going to die unless the keyboard spontaneously combusts, but that's OK. That would actually be very cool if it happened; I would have an excuse of why I didn't blog that one day. Of course, my teacher would probably not believe me and make some smart remark. Her smart remarks would probably be the best part, too, and bring some noise to the otherwise silent classroom. Talking about the classroom, I can't stand it. It is so quiet- nobody talks- and so tiny that one day I'll go crazy. Seriously! Even class discussions are dull. There is even this one kid that doesn't say a word. He just nods his head or shrugs his shoulders, it all depends on what he's trying to say. Maybe he doesn't talk because he has a really squeaky voice like Michael Jackson or Abraham Lincoln... I'd like to find out. He looks pretty tough so if he did have a squeaky voice, it would be really funny.