So I figured this out in my first hour(Am. Hist. AP), and began ranting- I rant in my first hour from some daily complication all the time- about how I was going to be partially blind all day. Everyone in class was like "that's Alicia as usual" and my friend gave me a hug and then said, "It could be worse." It could be worse? It could be worse!? I can't even read the board let alone be aware of my surroundings. The only things I could have seen clearly today were people and things close to me.
Eventually I calmed down and went about my classes as usual, except for English where I had to move to the front seats every time we were required to read something. While we are on the subject of English class, the most embarrassing thing happened to me and I'm not sure anyone noticed, but I'll tell you anyways because I think it is hilarious:
Alright, so I'm walking to the trash to throw away a wrapper, and while on the way there, I notice my right shoe is untied. "I just tied it!" I loudly think to myself. I continue walking to the trash, shoelaces untied, and throw my wrapper away. This is when I decide to tie my shoe. I bend over to reach the laces and out of know where I hear a "CRRSSSHH". I think,"Oh God, no way," hoping that what I just think that happened didn't happen. Lo and behold, there was a tear on the upper inner thigh of my jeans of the left leg. I hear the class laughing, however my partially-blindness deters from my focus, and I do not know if they were laughing at me or somebody else. Not knowing what else to do, I shuffle back to my seat.
It was an OK-sized tear. The only thing that kept me from falling into absolute, total embarrassment was the fact that nobody could notice it. The only good thing that could come out of it is that now I can make a pair of shorts out of them. Hooray for improvising!
Ha-ha, i did not even notice it happen. Maybe the people were laughing at something else. You never know though. If i had seen it i'm not going to lie, I probably would have laughed, sorry. Anyways, that seems like a rough day. Hopefully the next day is better :).
ReplyDeleteHopefully :)
ReplyDeleteI know that feeling when you can't see a thing. i forget my glasses one or twice a year. i always give up have way through the day. sorry about that rip in your pants. it has a little giggle to it though lol.
ReplyDeleteYeah, I hate it when I forget my glasses. The worst is when the teacher is talking about something for an hour on the board, which you cannot see, and he/she asks you a question about it. LOL, I have gotten pretty good at making things up. About your jeans, I think that the class was laughing at something else because I never noticed they ripped. If I had I probably would have laughed.