I didn't blog at all last week.
:O *gasp!*
I know, so horrible.
So today I will blog about my favorite flower:
Yeah, I'm guessing you can pretty much tell from the picture.
So, do you want to know why sunflowers are my favorite flowers? It is because they are big, yellow (my favorite color), and remind me of the sun. And yes, I know, sun goes with sunflower, but it really does remind me of the sun, and I love the sun! Its so warm and pretty at any time of day that just seeing a sunflower reminds me of it and cheers me up. :)
I wish I had a field of sunflowers behind my house. That would be amazing! I could pick a flower whenever I wanted, put it in a vase in my room, and wake up to my very own sun every morning.
Now that I have shared this, I want to know what your favorite flowers are (even the boys, I know boys have favorite flowers too).
Now I know why yellow is your favorite color,lol. I haven't seen a real life sunflower in a long time. Sunflower can bring so much life into your day. The image,smell, or even the seeds can make someones day a whole lot better. I don't really have a favorite flower, but I do like the Venus Fly Trap. Its that flower that has a mouth and eats things! I googled the name and found a video with it eating a fly! Heres the link to the video (fast forward to about 1:20) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_DZiTACprhE
ReplyDeleteOooh i used to live back in Russia, and i went to an endless field of sunflowers... was probably one of the most amazing sights i have ever seen! Have you ever tried the raw seeds from a sunflower? They are a little more chewy and sweet... definitely try it!!! i love orchids... my favorite flower of all time. roses are classic, but thats all they are.
ReplyDeletesunflowers are the greatest of all flowers for the seeds they produce. They are like crack, I can spit those little suckers all day. I guess they are pretty but Id much rather be eating the seeds. And they are dirt cheap, its a dollar for a huge bag of them. If i were stranded on a desert island I would either bring a bag of sunflower seeds or a helicopter.
ReplyDeleteI eat Sun flower seeds. I'm a sunflower murderer. Arr.
ReplyDeleteI don't really have a favorite flower... But I do love sunflower seeds. I especially love chocolate covered sunflower seeds :) They are DELICIOUS.... You neeeed to try them. I;m not sure if they are sold around here because i had them in Gainesville. But seriously, I was eating them in English class and Mrs. Stoklosa thought i had an unhealthy addiction.