I'm taking the SAT for the second time this Saturday.
It really isn't all that bad when you think about it. I mean, the essay is pretty easy, basically asking your opinion, and the math is basic algebra, geometry, and common sense questions. The reading is more of a gut-feel-answer kind of thing, and writing questions are pretty much the same as reading. No biggie. I scored 1140 my first time, which people say isn't that bad considering it was my first time, but I want a better score than that. More like in the 1200's.
It's funny because every other day I'll bring my HUGE SAT prep book to school to study and I'm only focusing on the math- I got a 540 in the math so I want to bring it up to a 600- so I'm reading it and I'm like," This is so easy! It's all common sense. How in the world did I get a 540?"
I want to get a minimum of a 600 in math. There are a TON of smart people in cypress and even being just a little bit above average in smarts is not going to do much for me except to scrape the bottom of the admittance door to really good colleges. I'm not a genius and that is totally not fair that it is that much harder for me.
Maybe one day I'll open up my own university for moderately to a little bit above average students. That'll be the day, a triumph!
15 years ago