Thursday, April 30, 2009


I'm taking the SAT for the second time this Saturday.
It really isn't all that bad when you think about it. I mean, the essay is pretty easy, basically asking your opinion, and the math is basic algebra, geometry, and common sense questions. The reading is more of a gut-feel-answer kind of thing, and writing questions are pretty much the same as reading. No biggie. I scored 1140 my first time, which people say isn't that bad considering it was my first time, but I want a better score than that. More like in the 1200's.
It's funny because every other day I'll bring my HUGE SAT prep book to school to study and I'm only focusing on the math- I got a 540 in the math so I want to bring it up to a 600- so I'm reading it and I'm like," This is so easy! It's all common sense. How in the world did I get a 540?"
I want to get a minimum of a 600 in math. There are a TON of smart people in cypress and even being just a little bit above average in smarts is not going to do much for me except to scrape the bottom of the admittance door to really good colleges. I'm not a genius and that is totally not fair that it is that much harder for me.
Maybe one day I'll open up my own university for moderately to a little bit above average students. That'll be the day, a triumph!

Monday, April 27, 2009

My bad

I didn't blog at all last week.

:O *gasp!*

I know, so horrible.
So today I will blog about my favorite flower:
Yeah, I'm guessing you can pretty much tell from the picture.
So, do you want to know why sunflowers are my favorite flowers? It is because they are big, yellow (my favorite color), and remind me of the sun. And yes, I know, sun goes with sunflower, but it really does remind me of the sun, and I love the sun! Its so warm and pretty at any time of day that just seeing a sunflower reminds me of it and cheers me up. :)
I wish I had a field of sunflowers behind my house. That would be amazing! I could pick a flower whenever I wanted, put it in a vase in my room, and wake up to my very own sun every morning.

Now that I have shared this, I want to know what your favorite flowers are (even the boys, I know boys have favorite flowers too).

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Its a Thursday.

Poor Thursday. It doesn't have any special fun name or saying. Like Friday is "Thank God it's Friday" and Monday is "I hate Mondays". Then again neither do Tuesday, Wednesday, Saturday, or Sunday. Or at least that I know of.

So Yeah...

I don't know what to blog about....

Well I'm using a PC. I hate PC's. It took me forever to figure out how the internet works on this thing. Plus the keyboard is different and I keep pressing the wrong button. I so much prefer Macs. I've had Mac's since I was little. I have one now that's nearly 10 years old! Maybe older...

Ok, umm, there's something in my eye and it won't go away!

I'm so tired... I only slept 2 hours last night doing a project... i want to sleep but I have to do this freakin' blog.

My eye still hurts...

I really wish I had 20/20 vision. Glasses bug me sometimes.




Wednesday, April 15, 2009

What if there were no money?

Think about it.

What if we had no money?
What if we relied on the goodness and honest hard work of people to do everything they do now- growing, creating, selling, leading, learning, providing- not for the money, but to keep our society well maintained?
What if all we relied on was each other to get the things we need without worrying "Can I afford it?"

People might say its downright socialist, but imagine how much better we'd be off. There would be no poor because everyone would have access to food, and no sick because medicine would be more easily accessible. And if everyone did their jobs but with the motivation that they are doing a service to everyone who requires them, then nobody would have to stress about financial problems because money wouldn't exist because everyone is working to supply and aid everyone else. I guess you could see it as each person is being supported or supporting someone else so that, in this case, everyone in our country would be linked together in support.

But of course, this could never happen. There are people that are greedy or yearn for the luxurious and expensive, and with my theory everyone would be able to access the same stuff, therefore no one would be more advanced in social class than the other. Now that I think about it, it sounds a little bit communist...

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Ok so I need your Opinion...

Should I change the name of my blog? That would mean I would have to change topics (not that I really have a definite topic... I just write what I feel like writing).  Would it even matter anyways? I'll probably just end up writing whatever like I usually do. Seriously, why restrict myself? But I want to know what you, the viewers, would like to see me blog about, even though I might not even do anything to change it... Ok, well, let's make this a hypothetical thing. 

If I were to change my blog name and topic, what would you guys like it to change to?

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Dilated Eyes

So you guys can pretty much tell what happened to me today... I got my eyes DILATED! Ooh how I do not like getting my pupils giant-sized. I look like an owl! I mean, right now, at this exact moment, my eyes are hurting just by the light of the computer screen. 

So the story goes like this:
I wake up as usual. The only unusual thing about it is that i find my right eye is hurting and slightly watery. I look in the mirror and my eye doesn't look that bad, only a bit red, but I freak out anyways and come to the conclusion that I might be having the beginnings of Pink Eye. Rushing downstairs, I tell my mom that I think I'm getting Pink Eye. She tells me otherwise, that I maybe have a laceration from my contacts(even better!-thats sarcasm right there). 
Fast-forwarding to about 10:00 AM, my eye is actually doing well, not watering and barely hurting. But that doesn't matter because I get picked up early from school to go to the opthamologist. The doctor goes through the check-up - in the process DILATING MY EYE!- and then tells me that I have minor Neovascularsomething, which means my blood vessels in my eyes are turning into the cornea because it's not getting enough oxygen.
So that's great! Ugh. Then after that I had to wear sunglasses everywhere, even inside, until it got dark out. I feel like a frickin' vampire.

So, yeah, that's my story. And the moral is... dilation sucks. Oh and so does the neovascular-whatever thing. That sucks too.