<---This is our hero right here
You may guess that this is another article blog (click here)
and you are correct.
In short, Chad Lindsey saved a man that fell down onto the subway tracks of the Penn Station, in New York. When he fell, he apparently hit his head on the rails and became unconscious, bleeding everywhere. Lindsey saw this, jumped down onto the tracks where the man was, and lifted him up onto the platform where other passerby's helped by pulling. He then climbed back onto the platform when ten to fifteen seconds later, the subway passed.
*He's lucky he plays a role in his acting career where he has to repeatedly lift a guy!
What's cool is that he wanted to leave anonymous. So like a secret hero! (obviously he's not secret anymore, though.) and a weird/cool sense of humor:
"I yelled,'Contact the station agent and call the police!' which I think is hilarious because I don't think I ever said 'station agent' before in my life. What am I, on '24'?"
Although I don't know what "24" means...
Anyways, it's great to hear about things like this now and then especially since all we hear on the news is about criminals, deaths, shootings, fights, scandals, etc. Why can't they show more things like this? Heroic acts are cool, right? I mean, If I could, I'd do something brave, too.
This makes me think that maybe people do care about each other when it comes to someone's life. Chad Lindsey could have died, but that never occurred to him. He just acted. You'd think that right now with the recession, job losses, and an ever increasing do-it-alone attitude, nobody would think twice to even risking their life, their career, and whatever else they have worked for, to save someone else's.
I think we should all work to have the same selfless attitude and do as much for others as we do for ourselves. If we do, i believe the world would be so much better than it is now because there won't be greed which leads to corruption in business or government or in people. Look at AIG, for instance. If they hadn't made those inconceivable bets, then we wouldn't have to be bailing them out and wasting billions of dollars that could be used for better things like education funding.
Lesson learned: be generous, be selfless.